Now as I work today I'm going to be thinking about the phrase "my favorite physicist..."

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it's like a nemesis, everyone should have one

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Linus Pauling was a two time Nobel Laureate Chemist. (The second was the Peace Prize.). You are forgiven. Anybody who has a background in fine arts and builds Wndsor Chairs, but can cite Feynman and Pauling is pretty remarkable. How did they join the new sections of rectangular posts to the cylindrical existing posts so perfectly? (Can't see the joint line in the picture.)

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Great to see the barn progress, Pete. What a thrill it will be to see the light coming through the new windows in March! Looking forward to it.

I enjoyed the Feynman video too. Especially his clear sense of delight in what he is discussing.

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Nice work with those footings . I have the same job ahead of me sometime in the future, I'll remember this post. How deep is the frostline in your area ?

By the way, the Freakonomics podcast did a series on the life of Mr. Feynman a while back. He was a very prolific man.

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we have a 4 foot frost line, but there were already piers that reached that depth under the posts, we just poured enough to reach the cut off posts

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I vividly remember writing my 8th grade Health class report about the wonders of vitamin C based on what I read from Linus Pauling. I also vividly remember having to slowly accept that he (and therefor I) was wrong. It was a painful, but necessary experience.

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I love this story, I actually love that he was so wrong, there's hope for the rest of us!

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Hey Pete, if you’ve had a respiratory infection for a month, it’s probably not viral and you may need an antibiotic. Yes I really am a medical doctor!

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Thanks Rick,

I've been through antibiotics and even prednisone, it's been a haul. Luckily, I'm feeling better, thanks for your concern and advice

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Didn’t think it was possible for me to be more excited for the February class, but here we are now.

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The barn is becoming the shop and it’s looking amazing Pete! I hope you’re recovering well because I know you have a lot going on there. There’s rarely any rest for the weary!

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